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About us
call us on 0845 8386342
Welcome to Book my MOT and Service
Book my MOT and service is an online booking system that allows motorists to compare pricing for servicing, car repairs, and MOT’s in their local area. Book my MOT and service allows instant pricing at hundreds of garages, and instant pricing for servicing & MOT over 10,000 different car models.

What sets us apart is our ability to identify to our users appointment date availability without our users actually having to enter the dates they require. Our unique horizontal scrolling Calendar identifies instantly the availability and booking dates available before a user even has to open up any given garage record.

We offer a full and honest comparison of multiple garages in a given area, as well as offering booking clients full and honest reviews of those garages, another of our aims is to ensure all reviews good or bad go on our site.

We are proud of the garage network we have built, and our garages are vital to keep us as a business where we are. Our aim has been to offer our garage partners the same access to receive online bookings as the multi national car servicing company who have spent £million on software and SEO to ensure they are at the top of the pile for search engine results.

Book my MOT and service allows you as a motorist to book an online appointment at your favourite local garage without having to pick up the phone to do so, and compare hundreds of local service pricing.